A quiet moment of reflection

   Matthew 28:20: And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Bible Study  

Since May 2006, a group of QM members has been meeting once in a while
 for a more structured bible study.

 Women of the New Testament

             Elizabeth (receiving God's goodness)    
             Mary (believing the impossible)
             Herodias (the fruit of bitterness)
             A Sinful Woman (a forgiven heart)
             The Canaanite Woman (persevering in prayer)
             Mary and Martha (facing death and grief)
             Sapphira (dishonest to God)
             Lydia (a businesswoman turns to Christ)
            Euodia an Syntyche (women in conflict)
            Priscilla (a partner in leadership)

Old Testament Characters
Samuel: Hearing God’s Voice:   1 Samuel 3
            Hannah: Praying in pain : 1 Samuel 1 (2nd opportunity) 
            Abraham: Following God’s Call: Genesis 12
            Samuel: Hearing God’s Voice : 1 Samuel 3 (2nd opportunity)
            Caleb & Joshua: Overcoming the impossible: Numbers 13:26-14:10                                                            
Abraham: Following God’s Call : Genesis 12 (2nd opportunity)
            Caleb & Joshua: Overcoming the impossible :  Numbers 13:26-14:10
            Elijah: Knowing God’s Power:
1 Kings 18:16-40    
Achan: Sin in the community:  Joshua 7

            Achan: Sin in the community (Joshua 7)
            King Saul: Doing almost all of God's will (1 Samuel 15:1-23)
            Daniel: Tempted to compromise (Daniel 1)
            Esther: Saying Yes to God (Esther 4)
            David: Loving your enemy (1 Samuel 24)
            Moses: Seeking justic (Exodus 2:11-25)

For more information: please call Ext. 52746

or email: Tina.Etherington@fao.org
or email: katia.medeiros@fao.org

webmaster:  mahazosoa.ratsimba@fao.org